six weeks on the other side of the world.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Udaipur pics!

So I got up this morning, got all ready for school, and then was promptly informed that 'India is closed today'. I guess there's a national strike against rising petrol prices, so the majority of the businesses/transportation/schools/everything shut down in protest across the country. Since the Street Kids school is pretty self-reliant, the strike shouldn't have affected whether or not we can teach and they were going to keep school open. But then protesters in the southern part of the country set a couple of public buses on fire and stoned about a dozen other vehicles that refused to stop operating, so they decided to play it safe and tell us we're not allowed out of the house today. Everything's fine in this half of the country (India's pretty big) and it was just a really strict precaution, but being on house arrest can be kind of boring.

But on the plus-side, being stuck indoors gave me a chance to get an Udaipur album together! So here's the link:
Udaipur Favs


  1. Love the pics Megs. Its amazing how different it is then what we are accustomed to; even different then what I had imagined. Have fun, be safe. Talk to you soon. Love you - Dad

  2. I so love reading your stories and seeing your pictures. You are so lucky to have had this experience. Most of us will never see the things you have seen. I am so proud. Have a great rest of your trip and thank you for sharing this with me. I love you...Aunt Karen
